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De Grote Nederlandse KunstKalender 2025
De Grote Nederlandse KunstKalender 2025PR

De Grote Nederlandse KunstKalender 2025

Ja ja, m'n werk zit er weer bij, bij de komende editie van De Grote…
December 12, 2024
(Article) Draad en Drijfveer, Modemuze, 14-10-2024
(Article) Draad en Drijfveer, Modemuze, 14-10-2024PR

(Article) Draad en Drijfveer, Modemuze, 14-10-2024

Thank you Felicia Piga/ for writing about my work! Click here to read the article:…
October 24, 2024
Interview: Aan Tafel! Radio M / RTV Utrecht, 10-9-24
Interview: Aan Tafel! Radio M / RTV Utrecht, 10-9-24PR

Interview: Aan Tafel! Radio M / RTV Utrecht, 10-9-24

Thank you Radio M / RTV Utrecht for featuring my exhibition at Centraal Museum during…
September 10, 2024
Interview: Een Uur Cultuur, VPRO / NPO Radio 1
Interview: Een Uur Cultuur, VPRO / NPO Radio 1PR

Interview: Een Uur Cultuur, VPRO / NPO Radio 1

Interview in Dutch, for NPO Radio 1 / VPRO. Teddy Tops interviewed me about my…
January 19, 2024
Interview: Opium, Het Gesprek – Joyce Overheul
Interview: Opium, Het Gesprek – Joyce OverheulPR

Interview: Opium, Het Gesprek – Joyce Overheul

  Opium is hét kunst- en cultuurprogramma van AVROTROS, met interviews, cultuurtips, reportages, jong talent…
December 7, 2023
Exhibition: ‘Onszelf, die ander’ @ Art Gallery O-68
Exhibition: ‘Onszelf, die ander’ @ Art Gallery O-68exhibitions

Exhibition: ‘Onszelf, die ander’ @ Art Gallery O-68

Datum - 17/12/2023 - 14/01/2024   Joyce Overheul, Lotte Manders, Rinke Nijburg Onder de…
December 7, 2023


Helaas, helaas moet ik mijn geliefde atelier in Utrecht bij de Vlampijpateliers binnen nu en…
November 30, 2023
Lucette ter Borg over mijn werk
Lucette ter Borg over mijn werkBlogexhibitionsPR

Lucette ter Borg over mijn werk

Bij de opening van de tentoonstelling ‘Sending Thoughts and Prayers – een solo van Joyce…
November 27, 2023
Interview: L1 ‘Museum W verwelkomt tienduizendste bezoeker bij nieuwe expo’
Interview: L1 ‘Museum W verwelkomt tienduizendste bezoeker bij nieuwe expo’PR

Interview: L1 ‘Museum W verwelkomt tienduizendste bezoeker bij nieuwe expo’

Klik hier om het radiointerview met L1 terug te luisteren: Het artikel op de…
November 27, 2023
Interview: VPRO Een Uur Cultuur
Interview: VPRO Een Uur CultuurPR

Interview: VPRO Een Uur Cultuur

Zaterdag 25 november was ik te gast bij VPRO's Een Uur Cultuur op NPO Radio…
November 27, 2023
De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2024!
De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2024!PR

De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2024!

Mocht je naast een verjaardagskalender óók nóg een kalender per dag willen hebben voor het…
November 24, 2023
Invox Magazine: Radium Girls (interview)
Invox Magazine: Radium Girls (interview)PR

Invox Magazine: Radium Girls (interview)

Thank you Invox Magazine for writing an article about my Radium Girls project!  
November 24, 2023
Museumtijdschrift: Het Atelier
Museumtijdschrift: Het AtelierPR

Museumtijdschrift: Het Atelier

Thank you Museumtijdschrift for visiting my studio, and photographing me and intern Beyza while embroidering…
November 24, 2023
Interview 3voor12 Utrecht: “Joyce Overheul en Roos Blufpand over actuele maatschappelijke thema’s”
Interview 3voor12 Utrecht: “Joyce Overheul en Roos Blufpand over actuele maatschappelijke thema’s”PR

Interview 3voor12 Utrecht: “Joyce Overheul en Roos Blufpand over actuele maatschappelijke thema’s” Joyce Overheul en Roos Blufpand over actuele maatschappelijke thema's “Ik denk meteen aan de…
November 4, 2023
CROWDFUNDING! Je mag ook niks meer zeggen
CROWDFUNDING! Je mag ook niks meer zeggenPRprojects

CROWDFUNDING! Je mag ook niks meer zeggen

HALLOOO! Het moment is dan eindelijk daar! Ik ga een verjaardagskalender uitgeven met alle kralenwerken…
September 26, 2023
Exhibition: The Nook @ TU Delft Library
Exhibition: The Nook @ TU Delft Libraryexhibitions

Exhibition: The Nook @ TU Delft Library

On view for the next two months: prints of my work at The Nook, TU…
September 26, 2023
AvroTros: Deze kunstwerken op Buitenplaats Doornburgh mag je niet missen
AvroTros: Deze kunstwerken op Buitenplaats Doornburgh mag je niet missenPR

AvroTros: Deze kunstwerken op Buitenplaats Doornburgh mag je niet missen   Van onze omgang met het slavernijverleden tot de vluchtelingencrisis. In de tentoonstelling…
August 24, 2023
GREAT NEWS! A solo show at Museum W, Weert
GREAT NEWS! A solo show at Museum W, WeertBlog

GREAT NEWS! A solo show at Museum W, Weert

Great news!! On the 25th of November, a solo show featuring my work will open…
July 14, 2023
RTV Utrecht / Route C (tv interview)
RTV Utrecht / Route C (tv interview)PR

RTV Utrecht / Route C (tv interview)

Afgelopen week is er een uitzending van Route C verschenen waarin mijn knopenproject aan bod…
June 5, 2023
Expositie: ENERGY, Koelwaterhal, Zwolle
Expositie: ENERGY, Koelwaterhal, Zwolleexhibitions

Expositie: ENERGY, Koelwaterhal, Zwolle

De groepstentoonstelling ENERGY omvat werk van 19 kunstenaars van nu uit Nederland, België, Duitsland, Oostenrijk,…
May 12, 2023
Interview: UitAgenda, Langs bij Truus
Interview: UitAgenda, Langs bij TruusPR

Interview: UitAgenda, Langs bij Truus

I was interviewed by the UITagenda, yay! Look at me being a derpy derp in…
March 2, 2023
RTV Utrecht: radio + tv interview
RTV Utrecht: radio + tv interviewPR

RTV Utrecht: radio + tv interview

Op maandag 9 januari zat ik voor de expositie 'Het ergste moet nog komen' bij…
January 28, 2023
Interview @ Kunststof, NPO Radio 1, 4-1-2023
Interview @ Kunststof, NPO Radio 1, 4-1-2023PR

Interview @ Kunststof, NPO Radio 1, 4-1-2023

Mocht je woensdag 4 januari nog niets te doen hebben, luister dan van 19:00 tot…
January 12, 2023
DUIC: Utrechtse kunstenaar Joyce Overheul benoemd tot Talent van het Jaar 2023
DUIC: Utrechtse kunstenaar Joyce Overheul benoemd tot Talent van het Jaar 2023PR

DUIC: Utrechtse kunstenaar Joyce Overheul benoemd tot Talent van het Jaar 2023

Klik hier om het artikel te lezen:   Algemeen 25/11/2022 - 13:39 redactie Foto:…
November 29, 2022
Artist Talk @ Museum MORE, 27-11-22
Artist Talk @ Museum MORE, 27-11-22exhibitionsnews

Artist Talk @ Museum MORE, 27-11-22

Ter gelegenheid van onze kersverse tentoonstelling MORE & meer. Realisme van 1900 tot nu nodigen…
November 23, 2022
Award: Talent van het jaar 2023
Award: Talent van het jaar 2023newsPR

Award: Talent van het jaar 2023

Gisteren had ik de eer de prijs Talent van het Jaar 2023 in ontvangst te…
November 20, 2022
Present @ Kunstliefde, Utrecht
Present @ Kunstliefde, Utrechtexhibitions

Present @ Kunstliefde, Utrecht

Nieuwe groepsexpositie, passend voor de naderende feestdagen: Present bij Genootschap Kunstliefde! Van 19 november tot…
November 17, 2022
Book publication: 40 jaar Covra
Book publication: 40 jaar CovraPR

Book publication: 40 jaar Covra

My work The Radium Portrait, which is part of the Covra art collection, got featured…
October 9, 2022
Boek: Vrouwen die muren afbreken
Boek: Vrouwen die muren afbrekennewsPR

Boek: Vrouwen die muren afbreken

Afgelopen weekend was de boekpresentatie van het boek 'Vrouwen die muren afbreken, 22 opbouwende verhalen'…
September 5, 2022
Pride Amsterdam @ Paradiso (exhibition/expo)
Pride Amsterdam @ Paradiso (exhibition/expo)exhibitions

Pride Amsterdam @ Paradiso (exhibition/expo)

FemaleXposition Friday 5 August 2022 in Paradiso Doors open 14:00 till 19:00, Start 14:00 Een…
August 3, 2022
Genomineerd voor Kunstenaar van het Jaar 2023!
Genomineerd voor Kunstenaar van het Jaar 2023!newsPR

Genomineerd voor Kunstenaar van het Jaar 2023!

Heuglijk nieuws! Ik ben blijkbaar genomineerd voor de verkiezing 'Kunstenaar van het Jaar 2023'. Winnen…
August 3, 2022
NRC: Paltz Biënnale toont bewust rommelige kunst op een schitterend landgoed (review)
NRC: Paltz Biënnale toont bewust rommelige kunst op een schitterend landgoed (review)PR

NRC: Paltz Biënnale toont bewust rommelige kunst op een schitterend landgoed (review) Thomas van Huut Recensie Beeldende kunst Paltz Biënnale toont bewust rommelige kunst op…
June 16, 2022
Crowdfunding for Book: Vrouwen die Muren Afbreken
Crowdfunding for Book: Vrouwen die Muren Afbrekenfunding

Crowdfunding for Book: Vrouwen die Muren Afbreken

There's a crowdfunding going on on Voordekunst for the book Vrouwen die Muren Afbreken (Women…
June 13, 2022
Coming up: Paltz Biënnale, Soest
Coming up: Paltz Biënnale, Soestexhibitions

Coming up: Paltz Biënnale, Soest

In 2022 gaan de kunstenaars Elias Cafmeyer, Elise ‘t Hart, Bram Kuypers, Heidi Linck, Ole…
June 1, 2022
Andere Tijden special: Truus van Lier
Andere Tijden special: Truus van LierPR

Andere Tijden special: Truus van Lier

On Monday the 11th of April, Dutch tv-show Andere Tijden will broadcast an episode about…
April 12, 2022
KunstRAI 2022 with Galerie Franzis Engels
KunstRAI 2022 with Galerie Franzis Engelsexhibitions

KunstRAI 2022 with Galerie Franzis Engels

Hi y'all, This edition of KunstRAI, Amsterdam Galerie Franzis Engels will show my work at…
April 8, 2022
Mondriaan Fonds Kunstenaar Basis
Mondriaan Fonds Kunstenaar Basisfundingnews

Mondriaan Fonds Kunstenaar Basis

I'm very happy to announce that the Mondriaan Fund has decided to support my work…
March 15, 2022
Permanent monument voor verzetsvrouw Truus van Lier
Permanent monument voor verzetsvrouw Truus van LiernewsPR

Permanent monument voor verzetsvrouw Truus van Lier Kunstenaar Joyce Overheul is door de gemeente uitgenodigd een monument voor verzetsvrouw Truus van…
March 3, 2022
Digitale Kunstkrant: Joyce Overheuls luchtige creaties stemmen tot nadenken
Digitale Kunstkrant: Joyce Overheuls luchtige creaties stemmen tot nadenkenPR

Digitale Kunstkrant: Joyce Overheuls luchtige creaties stemmen tot nadenken   Recensie Joyce Overheul, Let’s Get Political, 2021, bruikleen van de kunstenaar. Let’s Get…
March 30, 2022
Brabant Cultureel: Joyce Overheul maakt kunst als verzet
Brabant Cultureel: Joyce Overheul maakt kunst als verzetPR

Brabant Cultureel: Joyce Overheul maakt kunst als verzet

16 februari 2022 Beeldende kunst reacties: 0 Joyce Overheul maakt kunst als verzet ‘Let’s get…
February 21, 2022
Exhibition: Flexibel @ Galerie Franzis Engels
Exhibition: Flexibel @ Galerie Franzis EngelsexhibitionsPR

Exhibition: Flexibel @ Galerie Franzis Engels Flexibel 27.01.2022 - 12.03.2022 Marian Bijlenga | Valentina Gal | Sibyl Heijnen | Joyce…
January 27, 2022
3FM Serious Request
3FM Serious Requestexhibitions

3FM Serious Request

Serious Request is a family of annual multi-day, multimedia fundraising events for International Red Cross…
December 22, 2021
Hart Magazine: Zachte werken, harde waarheden
Hart Magazine: Zachte werken, harde waarhedenPR

Hart Magazine: Zachte werken, harde waarheden   Zachte werken, harde waarheden Let’s get political van Joyce Overheul in Zwolle Robin Kramer Praktische…
June 13, 2022
Book: 50 Utrechtse Kunstenaars by Luuk Huiskes
Book: 50 Utrechtse Kunstenaars by Luuk HuiskesPR

Book: 50 Utrechtse Kunstenaars by Luuk Huiskes

Luuk Huiskes published a beautiful book where he photographed 50 Utrecht based artists, among which…
December 5, 2021


Well to be honest, I've got more books than just one, but they're not all…
November 26, 2021
Recap artist talk @ Cibap, Zwolle
Recap artist talk @ Cibap, Zwollenews

Recap artist talk @ Cibap, Zwolle

So two weeks ago I was a guest speaker at Cibap, Zwolle. Cibap Vocational College…
November 26, 2021
Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2022
Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2022PR

Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2022

I'm very happy to announce my work has been included in the selection for the…
November 13, 2021
Interview with Nederlands Dagblad about my work
Interview with Nederlands Dagblad about my workPR

Interview with Nederlands Dagblad about my work

Thank you Nederlands Dagblad / Robin van Deutekom for interviewing me about my work and…
November 13, 2021
VHDG’s Heden: Humor recap
VHDG’s Heden: Humor recapnews

VHDG’s Heden: Humor recap

Yes, it was a fun night. Thank you VHDG for hosting this event and inviting…
November 9, 2021
Commissioned work: a book cover for a PhD
Commissioned work: a book cover for a PhDprojects

Commissioned work: a book cover for a PhD

Every now and then I also do commissioned works. This commissioned work is for the…
November 9, 2021
De Deur uit Naar… een expo @ Libelle
De Deur uit Naar… een expo @ LibellePR

De Deur uit Naar… een expo @ Libelle

Well, my work is done here. My exhibition at Museum de Fundatie got mentioned in…
October 30, 2021
Heden: Humor @ VHDG, Leeuwarden, NL
Heden: Humor @ VHDG, Leeuwarden, NLexhibitions

Heden: Humor @ VHDG, Leeuwarden, NL

HEDEN: Humor 4 november, 19:30 Neushoorn In de nieuwe editie van onze een-avond-expo-en-talkshow HEDEN, gaan…
November 9, 2021
Lost Painters: This Art Fair (photo report)
Lost Painters: This Art Fair (photo report)PR

Lost Painters: This Art Fair (photo report)

Lost Painters wrote about This Art Fair 2021 and featured my work in their overview.…
August 30, 2021
Exhibition: Waterdicht @ Fort Maarsseveen
Exhibition: Waterdicht @ Fort Maarsseveenexhibitions

Exhibition: Waterdicht @ Fort Maarsseveen

New exhibition coming up: Waterdicht at Fort Maarsseveen, Maarssen (UT, NL). For this exhibition, I…
June 28, 2021
Interview with Handwerken Zonder Grenzen
Interview with Handwerken Zonder GrenzenPR

Interview with Handwerken Zonder Grenzen

Journalist Thea Vuik dropped by my studio for an interview for Handwerken Zonder Grenzen, the…
June 23, 2021
Coming soon…
Coming soon…exhibitions

Coming soon… a Fort Maarsseveen near you! Marjolein Witte and I are teaming up for the…
June 7, 2021
Interview with Kernvisie Magazine
Interview with Kernvisie MagazinePR

Interview with Kernvisie Magazine

Behold, an interview with Kernvisie Magazine about the Radium Project! Thanks goes to Menno Jelgersma…
June 7, 2021
Artist-in-residence at K.F. Hein Fonds, Utrecht
Artist-in-residence at K.F. Hein Fonds, Utrechtresidencies

Artist-in-residence at K.F. Hein Fonds, Utrecht

  From February until the end of April I'll be an artist-in-residence at the Tuinatelier…
May 28, 2021
Utrecht Down Under
Utrecht Down Underexhibitions

Utrecht Down Under During this exhibition in the old library in Utrecht, my project about the Radium…
November 16, 2020
Hummeln im Herzen, anniversary edition
Hummeln im Herzen, anniversary editioncrochet designs

Hummeln im Herzen, anniversary edition

Years ago my crochet bumblebee design was featured on the cover of the book Hummeln…
November 16, 2020


ARTISTINTHEWORLD23-24-25 oktober van 10:00 tot 22:00 Na New York, Moskou, Teheran, Berlijn en vele andere…
October 21, 2020
Interview with DUIC
Interview with DUICPR

Interview with DUIC

Click >here< to read my interview with DUIC about my work (Dutch only).
October 21, 2020
Interview with Textiel Plus Magazine
Interview with Textiel Plus MagazinePR

Interview with Textiel Plus Magazine

Click >here< to read the interview with Textiel Plus about the velvet works I made…
June 4, 2021
Interview with Vice
Interview with VicePR

Interview with Vice

Lieke van der Made from wrote an article about my Radium Girls project. Click…
August 3, 2021
Hybrid art fair @ Madrid (ES)! With Galerie Lauwer
Hybrid art fair @ Madrid (ES)! With Galerie Lauwerexhibitions

Hybrid art fair @ Madrid (ES)! With Galerie Lauwer

Hybrid Art Fair: 28th of Februari-1st of March Hotel Petit Palace Santa Bárbara Plaza de…
February 25, 2020
Artist talk! At Ars Peintura, Houten
Artist talk! At Ars Peintura, HoutenBlog

Artist talk! At Ars Peintura, Houten

Artist talk at Ars Peintura. 21:00-22:00hr. Location: Keerkamp 13, Houten.
February 18, 2020
Studio Visit of Kunst Blijft Een Raadsel
Studio Visit of Kunst Blijft Een RaadselPR

Studio Visit of Kunst Blijft Een Raadsel

Paul Voors of Kunst Blijft een Raadsel dropped by for a studio visit. Click on…
June 7, 2021
100% VROUW @ Grote Kerk, Alkmaar with Stichting White Cube
100% VROUW @ Grote Kerk, Alkmaar with Stichting White CubeBlogexhibitions

100% VROUW @ Grote Kerk, Alkmaar with Stichting White Cube
October 22, 2019
Art the Hague with Lauwer!
Art the Hague with Lauwer!Blogexhibitions

Art the Hague with Lauwer!

Thank you all who have been there, who took photos with the banner #menofquality, for…
October 22, 2019
Expoplu Engage: On the line of the Equator
Expoplu Engage: On the line of the Equatorexhibitions

Expoplu Engage: On the line of the Equator 17.05.2019 – 09.06.2019 Opening 17.05.2019 / 20:00 – 23:00 Curator: Youri Appelo Kunstenaars: Mirte…
June 6, 2019
Alleen op een Landgoed @ Bergarde Galleries
Alleen op een Landgoed @ Bergarde Galleriesexhibitionsprojects

Alleen op een Landgoed @ Bergarde Galleries

For the exhibition project PLAYGROUND at Bergarde Galleries, Heerjansdam I made a remake of the…
June 6, 2019
Onze kunstenaar in Teheran, for Jegens&Tevens
Onze kunstenaar in Teheran, for Jegens&TevensBlog

Onze kunstenaar in Teheran, for Jegens&Tevens

I wrote an article (in Dutch) about my stay in Tehran, Iran for Jegens&Tevens. Click…
April 17, 2019
Global Videos 2018
Global Videos 2018exhibitions

Global Videos 2018

Around the 10th of December, the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,…
November 21, 2018
SANAA Selected!
SANAA Selected!exhibitions

SANAA Selected!

UPCOMING SANAA Selected! opening Friday 23th of November 17.00-19.00. Showing works of more than 30…
November 21, 2018
Bunker Exposities #35 Video Programme, The Hague
Bunker Exposities #35 Video Programme, The Hagueexhibitions

Bunker Exposities #35 Video Programme, The Hague From 24th June - 8th July 2018, open every day between 12.00h - 20.00h.…
July 24, 2018
Young Utrecht Delight @ Galerie Sanaa, Utrecht
Young Utrecht Delight @ Galerie Sanaa, Utrechtexhibitions

Young Utrecht Delight @ Galerie Sanaa, Utrecht

28th of April-9th of June: Young Utrecht-based (or related) artists at Galerie Sanaa! My brain…
July 24, 2018
Brad Pitt @ AK24, Utrecht (NL)
Brad Pitt @ AK24, Utrecht (NL)exhibitions

Brad Pitt @ AK24, Utrecht (NL)

Opening tomorrow/9th of May, 18:00hr-22:00hr: BRAD PITT, a solo show at Art Keller 24 in…
May 8, 2018
Civil Disobedience @ In de Ruimte, Gent (BE)
Civil Disobedience @ In de Ruimte, Gent (BE)exhibitions

Civil Disobedience @ In de Ruimte, Gent (BE)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this exhibition, I will be showing a new work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publiek…
April 28, 2018
Women of the World Festival, Norwich (UK)
Women of the World Festival, Norwich (UK)exhibitions

Women of the World Festival, Norwich (UK)

The P7 will be on view during an exhibition at Women of the World Festival…
April 28, 2018
Ancient recap no1: MILK @ This Art Fair
Ancient recap no1: MILK @ This Art Fairexhibitions

Ancient recap no1: MILK @ This Art Fair

Since I've been stuck at home with pneumonia for over a month now (and a…
February 13, 2018
Artist talk @ Museum Meermanno, The Hague
Artist talk @ Museum Meermanno, The Hagueexhibitions

Artist talk @ Museum Meermanno, The Hague

Sunday the 28th of January I held an artist talk at Museum Meermanno, The Hague.…
February 13, 2018
Parool: Verleidelijke kunst in een huiskamer, 22/12/2017
Parool: Verleidelijke kunst in een huiskamer, 22/12/2017PR

Parool: Verleidelijke kunst in een huiskamer, 22/12/2017

Parool wrote an article about MILK Amsterdam and the Home Specific installation MILK made together…
August 3, 2021
Food! @ Museum Nairac
Food! @ Museum Nairaccrochet designsexhibitions

Food! @ Museum Nairac

And now something else: a selection of my crochet designs will be included in the…
November 1, 2017
Walther Plush5 on Vice
Walther Plush5 on VicePR

Walther Plush5 on Vice

  So, my work got featured on! Click >here< to read the article.
July 3, 2021
My work online @ We Like Art!
My work online @ We Like Art!projects

My work online @ We Like Art!

Click >here< to read the interview with We Like Art! You can now also purchase…
March 31, 2017
Recap Art Rotterdam. PICTURES!
Recap Art Rotterdam. PICTURES!exhibitions

Recap Art Rotterdam. PICTURES!

Please note the order's totally random. Above: my AK in its lihtbox at Patty Morgan's…
February 14, 2017
The AK @ Art Rotterdam
The AK @ Art Rotterdamexhibitions

The AK @ Art Rotterdam

This light box with photo will be on view during Prospects & Concepts (powered by…
January 26, 2017
New work: Soft Series, P7
New work: Soft Series, P7Blog

New work: Soft Series, P7

Photo on aluminium dibond, Heckler&Koch P7 gun, made from pink satin and nylon thread, hand…
January 22, 2017
Horror Workshop @ WDKA, Rotterdam
Horror Workshop @ WDKA, Rotterdamprojects

Horror Workshop @ WDKA, Rotterdam

Michiel (one of the regular performers of my The Gaze performance series) approached me to…
December 23, 2016
Recap: New Atlantis | Digital Dark Age
Recap: New Atlantis | Digital Dark Ageprojects

Recap: New Atlantis | Digital Dark Age

Thanks everyone for giving the opportunity to present my work to you, I've had a…
December 23, 2016
Interview with Kapitaal for LUCY
Interview with Kapitaal for LUCYtotally random

Interview with Kapitaal for LUCY

At the moment I'm super super lazy so I guess you'll have to click >this…
December 1, 2016
My work @ Patty Morgan
My work @ Patty Morganexhibitions

My work @ Patty Morgan

I finally extended my online existence to the platform of Patty Morgan. At this moment…
August 3, 2021
The Gaze: Them
The Gaze: Themexhibitionsprojects

The Gaze: Them

                        Last Saturday I…
September 27, 2016
1000 CRANES @ Hutspot, Utrecht!
1000 CRANES @ Hutspot, Utrecht!exhibitionsprojects

1000 CRANES @ Hutspot, Utrecht!

As part of the BYOB and Dutch Film Festival, an excerpt of my 1000 CRANES…
September 27, 2016


…of all ages, gender, shapes and sizes, for executing the performance piece The Gaze.  …
September 5, 2016
Artist talk @ Beyond Festival, 30th of July
Artist talk @ Beyond Festival, 30th of Julyexhibitions

Artist talk @ Beyond Festival, 30th of July

During the Beyond Festival in Liempde I'll host an artist talk about my Rogier project!…
August 3, 2021
The Gaze @ Unnoticed Art Festival
The Gaze @ Unnoticed Art FestivalBlogprojects

The Gaze @ Unnoticed Art Festival

Photo by Petra Laaper I made a new performance piece for the Unnoticed Art Festival…
July 28, 2016
Design My Privacy @ Z33, Hasselt (BE)
Design My Privacy @ Z33, Hasselt (BE)Blogexhibitions

Design My Privacy @ Z33, Hasselt (BE)

Ohh, finally an update from my side! Things have been rather hectic the last couple…
March 21, 2016
DPRK @ This Art Fair, Amsterdam
DPRK @ This Art Fair, AmsterdamBlogexhibitions

DPRK @ This Art Fair, Amsterdam

My video DPRK will be shown at This Art Fair from 30th of December until…
August 3, 2021
Meanwhile…totally random


Things have been awfully quiet over here. But don't worry! I'm very busy working on…
December 16, 2015
Great news! Design My Privacy extended
Great news! Design My Privacy extendedBlogexhibitions

Great news! Design My Privacy extended

Yes, good news this week! The exhibition Design My Privacy at MOTI Museum of the…
November 18, 2015
Rogier @ Galerie ‘t Atrium, Zutphen
Rogier @ Galerie ‘t Atrium, Zutphenexhibitions

Rogier @ Galerie ‘t Atrium, Zutphen

Some photos of the opening day of Project Rogier at Galerie 't Atrium in Zutphen…
August 3, 2021
How I spent my grant #1
How I spent my grant #1Blog

How I spent my grant #1

  You might have noticed that I recently received a Stipendium for Emerging Artists by…
September 7, 2015
Some snapshots from Noorderlicht Photography!
Some snapshots from Noorderlicht Photography!exhibitions

Some snapshots from Noorderlicht Photography!

Here we go! Special thanks goes to the Noorderlicht crew for making this exhibition look…
August 29, 2015
Project Rogier @ Crypto Design Salon XL
Project Rogier @ Crypto Design Salon XLPRprojects

Project Rogier @ Crypto Design Salon XL

Tomorrow I'll be having an artist talk at MOTI (Museum of the Image), Breda about…
June 24, 2015
Cultural Sundays: The Battle
Cultural Sundays: The Battleexhibitionstotally random

Cultural Sundays: The Battle

This Sunday there's another edition of Cultural Sundays in Utrecht! This edition's theme is The…
June 19, 2015
1000 cranes – update!
1000 cranes – update!exhibitionsprojects

1000 cranes – update!

So I'm currently working on a performance where I'll fold 1000 cranes according to the…
June 16, 2015
Interview with LUCY about the Diep Gaan project
Interview with LUCY about the Diep Gaan projectPR

Interview with LUCY about the Diep Gaan project

Interview with LUCY's Veronique Hoedenmakers about my work in general and also about my new…
June 5, 2021
New work for ‘Diep Gaan’
New work for ‘Diep Gaan’exhibitionsprojects

New work for ‘Diep Gaan’

I'm currently working on a new performance piece for the 'Diep Gaan' exhibition, organized by…
May 25, 2015
Some publications
Some publicationsBlog

Some publications

Over the last couple weeks my crochet designs got published in two magazines, Let's Knit…
May 22, 2015
Trouw: Kunst achter tralies en sloten, 18/05/2015
Trouw: Kunst achter tralies en sloten, 18/05/2015PR

Trouw: Kunst achter tralies en sloten, 18/05/2015

Trouw wrote an article about the exhibition 'Utrecht Down Under: Onder Controle' at Wolvenplein, mentioning…
August 3, 2021
Meanwhile in the studio….
Meanwhile in the studio….projects

Meanwhile in the studio….

...headaches, backaches, any possible aches... long days, short nights.... (and ugly photoshop, as you can…
May 13, 2015


Project on view: DPRK I have tons of things on my mind (deadlines for 2…
May 12, 2015
Great news!
Great news!funding

Great news!

Two days ago I heard I have received a Stipendium Program for Emerging Artists, granted…
March 28, 2015
Coming up: UtrechtDownUnder in a prison!
Coming up: UtrechtDownUnder in a prison!exhibitions

Coming up: UtrechtDownUnder in a prison!

My work has been selected to be part of the upcoming UtrechtDownUnder exhibition in the…
March 28, 2015
Coming up: DocuDinsdag // DPRK
Coming up: DocuDinsdag // DPRKexhibitions

Coming up: DocuDinsdag // DPRK

My DPRK film will be screened at NEST (Utrecht Science Park venue) on the 14th…
August 3, 2021
Opening @ Kunstliefde, Utrecht
Opening @ Kunstliefde, Utrechtexhibitions

Opening @ Kunstliefde, Utrecht

Some pictures of last Sunday's opening at Kunstliefde: My DPRK project will be on view…
February 11, 2015
Unnoticed Art Festival – book
Unnoticed Art Festival – bookprojects

Unnoticed Art Festival – book

Yesterday I received a copy of the book Unnoticed Art, featuring an essay by Frans…
February 6, 2015
Opening tomorrow: TKW#5 @ In De Ruimte, Utrecht
Opening tomorrow: TKW#5 @ In De Ruimte, Utrechtexhibitions

Opening tomorrow: TKW#5 @ In De Ruimte, Utrecht

Opening tomorrow: TKW#5 (temporary art store) at In De Ruimte, Utrecht, The Netherlands. All upbringings…
August 3, 2021
Upcoming: Exhibition “De Belofte Ingelost”
Upcoming: Exhibition “De Belofte Ingelost”exhibitions

Upcoming: Exhibition “De Belofte Ingelost”

Opening on the 7th of February: the anniversary edition of De Belofte ("the promise") exhibition…
January 16, 2015
Working on my new video project..
Working on my new video project..projects

Working on my new video project..

Today I started working on a new video project! More info on this new work…
December 28, 2014
My newest Twitter follower…
My newest Twitter follower…totally random

My newest Twitter follower…

Looks like my film about North Korea and myself have been discovered by the Supreme…
December 12, 2014
Meanwhile at Pecha Kucha Night #16 in Utrecht…
Meanwhile at Pecha Kucha Night #16 in Utrecht…exhibitions

Meanwhile at Pecha Kucha Night #16 in Utrecht…

...I'm eating a microphone while talking about my DPRK art project at Het Huis, Utrecht...
August 3, 2021
Merging Spaces is featured in InPress
Merging Spaces is featured in InPressPR

Merging Spaces is featured in InPress

My project Merging Spaces is featured in InPress, the PhD magazine of Radboud University Nijmegen.…
August 3, 2021
Interview/online exhibition @ HP/De Tijd Expo
Interview/online exhibition @ HP/De Tijd ExpoPR

Interview/online exhibition @ HP/De Tijd Expo

Special thanks goes to Nick Muller for giving me this opportunity to showcase my work…
August 3, 2021
Interview with LUCY
Interview with LUCYPR

Interview with LUCY

An online interview with LUCY (roaming platform for the arts in Utrecht) about my trip…
August 3, 2021
26th of September: Bring Your Own Beamer – Eyes Everywhere
26th of September: Bring Your Own Beamer – Eyes Everywhereexhibitionsprojects

26th of September: Bring Your Own Beamer – Eyes Everywhere Tomorrow the video I made about the DPRK will be on view for the…
September 25, 2014
Recap: The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014
Recap: The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014exhibitionsprojects

Recap: The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014

The Big Draw 2014 at the Valkhof Museum The Big Draw 2014 at De Dromaai…
September 25, 2014
20th of September: Artist talk at Vechtclub XL
20th of September: Artist talk at Vechtclub XLnews

20th of September: Artist talk at Vechtclub XL

Vechtclub XL is a new creative hotspot in Utrecht, and it's ready to open! Join…
August 3, 2021
The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014
The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014exhibitionsprojects

The Big Draw Nijmegen 2014

This week I'm a participating artist at The Big Draw in Nijmegen (NL), a festival…
September 9, 2014
Publication: Utopia, by Lieke Wouters
Publication: Utopia, by Lieke WoutersPR

Publication: Utopia, by Lieke Wouters

Lieke Wouters curated an exhibition and made a publication around the theme of Utopia. The…
August 4, 2021
DPRK: 3 film stills to still your hunger
DPRK: 3 film stills to still your hungerprojects

DPRK: 3 film stills to still your hunger

  I started working on editing the videos I shot in the DPRK for my new…
September 3, 2014
Yay! Artist of the day at!
Yay! Artist of the day at!Blog

Yay! Artist of the day at! you reddit! <3 
August 29, 2014
No internet. My world is dying.
No internet. My world is dying.totally random

No internet. My world is dying.

Yes, I'm feeling quite melodramatic because of this. From the 10th until the 24th of…
August 8, 2014
Unnoticed Art Festival: book publication
Unnoticed Art Festival: book publicationPR

Unnoticed Art Festival: book publication

Below you can view my page in the Unnoticed Art Festival book publication, with experiences…
August 4, 2021
The Unnoticed Art Festival…
The Unnoticed Art Festival…exhibitionsprojects

The Unnoticed Art Festival…

...took place last weekend! The location remained secret until the very last moment, but in…
May 21, 2014
One more week: Rogier at De Kijkdoos
One more week: Rogier at De Kijkdoosexhibitionsprojects

One more week: Rogier at De Kijkdoos

Rogier, De Kijkdoos, Amsterdam (NL), 2014 On view until the 4th of May: project Rogier…
April 27, 2014
De Torenkamer – end
De Torenkamer – endexhibitions

De Torenkamer – end

It was a busy, busy week in Amsterdam. The presentation of the games in the…
August 3, 2021
De Torenkamer – Monday, day 1
De Torenkamer – Monday, day 1projects

De Torenkamer – Monday, day 1

Today's the first day I'm an artist-in-residence of De Torenkamer, a studio of Dutch radio…
August 3, 2021
Opening De Kijkdoos, ‘CASE I / ROGIER’
Opening De Kijkdoos, ‘CASE I / ROGIER’Blog

Opening De Kijkdoos, ‘CASE I / ROGIER’

The exhibition of the 'Rogier' project at De Kijkdoos (Weesperstraat 51, Amsterdam (NL)) has opened!…
April 5, 2014
Rogier at De Kijkdoos
Rogier at De Kijkdoosexhibitionsprojects

Rogier at De Kijkdoos

A picture of the real Rogier at Kunstenlab, Deventer, 2014 From the 4th of April…
March 20, 2014
Scholars visit ‘Watching (over) me’
Scholars visit ‘Watching (over) me’exhibitionsprojects

Scholars visit ‘Watching (over) me’

Yesterday two groups of school students visited the 'Watching (over) me' exhibition at Kunstenlab, Deventer…
March 20, 2014
Buuuurn baby burn!
Buuuurn baby burn!totally random

Buuuurn baby burn!

Almost done! A new video work for ☐ topia, an exhibition at Collectief Derde Wal…
March 16, 2014
Watching (over) me on Trendbeheer
Watching (over) me on TrendbeheerPR

Watching (over) me on Trendbeheer
August 3, 2021
New work online: Walther Plush5
New work online: Walther Plush5projects

New work online: Walther Plush5

New work online: a photo of one of my Walther Plush5's with a model. Walther…
March 9, 2014
De Torenkamer
De Torenkamerexhibitionsprojects

De Torenkamer

From the 7th of the 11th of April I'll be an artist in residence (kinda)…
March 9, 2014
the Rogier project…
the Rogier project…projects

the Rogier project… mentioned in a blog post. Whooptidoo! Go read it over >here<. (Unfortunately for the…
August 3, 2021
Unnoticed Art Festival
Unnoticed Art Festivalexhibitionsprojects

Unnoticed Art Festival

I'm happy to announce my work has been selected for the Unnoticed Art Festival! Which…
January 26, 2014
New exhibitions coming up
New exhibitions coming upexhibitions

New exhibitions coming up

Thank nothing-up-there that my agenda isn't empty! I'm always afraid of the big ol' scary…
January 24, 2014
New website! Well, major update…
New website! Well, major update…news

New website! Well, major update…

Sometimes you forget to do stuff.... And sometimes you forget to update your website properly…
August 3, 2021
Exhibition extended: CC: Casco Concreet
Exhibition extended: CC: Casco Concreetexhibitionsprojects

Exhibition extended: CC: Casco Concreet

My participation in the CC: Casco Concreet exhbition is extended until the end of their…
January 16, 2014
‘Pingpong en productiviteit bij Kapitaal’ for LUCY
‘Pingpong en productiviteit bij Kapitaal’ for LUCYtotally random

‘Pingpong en productiviteit bij Kapitaal’ for LUCY

Another article I wrote for, about the Utrecht based Kapitaal:
August 3, 2021
5th Moscow Biennale exhibition catalogue
5th Moscow Biennale exhibition catalogueBlog

5th Moscow Biennale exhibition catalogue

Take a look at the 5th Moscow Biennale exhibition catalogue, featuring the exhibition Playing Nature…
August 4, 2021
My first radio interview ever
My first radio interview everPR

My first radio interview ever

In the studio of 'Alles Mag... Op Zaterdag' Last Saturday I was interviewed about my…
August 3, 2021
Onder Ons, Omroep Brabant
Onder Ons, Omroep BrabantPR

Onder Ons, Omroep Brabant

  Last Friday I had an interview with Rogier (from my latest project) and Omroep…
August 3, 2021
‘Surface to Space’ for LUCY
‘Surface to Space’ for LUCYtotally random

‘Surface to Space’ for LUCY

Surface to Space (TE ZIEN) | Lucyindelucht Click on the link above to read…
August 3, 2021
Knevel & Van de Brink
Knevel & Van de BrinkPR

Knevel & Van de Brink

Yesterday evening I was a guest at Dutch talk show Knevel & Van de Brink,…
August 3, 2021
BETER Consortium – om in te nemen
BETER Consortium – om in te nemenPR

BETER Consortium – om in te nemen

The Dr. Pill project is featured in this publication from BETER Consortium, 'om in te…
August 3, 2021
De Stentor & De Peperbus on Social Media Café Zwolle
De Stentor & De Peperbus on Social Media Café ZwollePR

De Stentor & De Peperbus on Social Media Café Zwolle

Top: De Peperbus Bottom: De Stentor Also:é-gaat-over-privacy-1.3863758    
August 3, 2021
‘Eindexamen, en dan?’ for LUCY
‘Eindexamen, en dan?’ for LUCYtotally random

‘Eindexamen, en dan?’ for LUCY

'Eindexamen, en dan?' (ANDERE KIJK) | Lucyindelucht Click on the link above to read…
August 3, 2021
An article about Dr. Pill in Juncto magazine
An article about Dr. Pill in Juncto magazinePR

An article about Dr. Pill in Juncto magazine

Juncto featured an article about my project Dr. Pill. Thank you Mark Posthumus for writing…
August 4, 2021
My work is featured in Metropolis M: ‘Starters’
My work is featured in Metropolis M: ‘Starters’PR

My work is featured in Metropolis M: ‘Starters’

Scroll down to read the article. Thank you Katia Krupennikova for writing about my work!…
August 3, 2021
Book: HKU FA TWG 2012
Book: HKU FA TWG 2012PR

Book: HKU FA TWG 2012

HKU Fine Art '12 made a book about all graduates' art projects and works.  
August 3, 2021