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As part of Impakt Festival:

It’s the Media, Stupid

With: Mike Bonanno (The Yes Men), TINKEBELL, Joyce Overheul and more

31 October 2024
15:30 — 16:45
Location: Het Huis Main Stage

Artists use their imagination to feed society with radical and innovative ideas. But these ideas need to reach a wide audience in order to lead to real change. That means artists, collectives, activists and campaign groups need to understand how the media work. Once they do, they can use the media to get their message across to broader audiences. The Yes Men and other artists in their field show how – willingy or not – the media can serve as a partner or vehicle that helps disseminate ideas and combat malpractices. But how much of those edgy and critical ideas will be left over once they’ve been processed by the media? How do the artists contributing to DEAL WITH IT engage with the media? What trade-offs do they face? And how do they keep their ideas accessible to a big audience without losing their edge?

With: Mike Bonanno (The Yes Men), TINKEBELL and Joyce Overheul