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Over the last couple weeks my crochet designs got published in two magazines, Let’s Knit Magazine and Homespun Australia!


Also, I finally received a copy of Freedom in Action, a doctoral thesis by a friend of mine, Niels van Miltenburg. He asked me to design a cover based on the poem “The Road not Taken” by Robert Frost:


(just to be clear: that black bar wasn’t my idea… it’s the standard layout for all theses over there…. it’s horrific.)

And…. last but not least, my work kinda got featured in Dutch newspaper Trouw! Julie van der Hove wrote a small article about the Utrecht Down Under exhibition at the Wolvenplein prison, and mentioned the DPRK project. It’s a paid-for article so I won’t copy everything here, just the part where you can read about my work:


My work is currently supported
by the Mondriaan Fund:
