Overslaan naar hoofdinhoud

Today’s the first day I’m an artist-in-residence of De Torenkamer, a studio of Dutch radio show Opium op 4, where every week a new artist is invited over to make a new work or study a subject for five days.

Today I started working on a new project called ‘Funny Games’ (yes, named after the Austrian horror movie), where I want to make an x-amount of small games where abnormal ‘game behaviour’ is encouraged. This Friday some of the games (if I manage to invent more than one successful game, otherwise it will be just one), will be presented and tested on live radio during the evening.

Here are some images of the game I’ve worked on today:

1-klein 2-klein

The working title of this game is: 1. Boast and Trust, and the game can be played with 3 to 6 players. It’s all about collecting matching pieces by exchanging them with other players, and most of all preventing other players collect matching sets as well. Anything goes, there are no rules but one: it’s not allowed to say out loud what pieces you’ve received after exchanging them with a fellow player. Next to that, everything is allowed. Lying, scamming, making terrible deals, etc. And best: all this has to happen in as little time as possible, preferably 5 or 10 minutes. The first player to collect a matching set of five, wins the game. The blank parts you see in the picture above are just there to piss people off, they’re only used for exchanging pieces in the game, you won’t win if you collect five of those…

As you can see, this first ‘funny game’ is made to bring out the best in people.

Klik >hier< to go to the Torenkamer blog on the Opium website, where I’ll blog as well (in Dutch) about this week.